Libraries offer free events, community services and facilities, Wi-Fi and computers, and, of course, a vast collection of books, newspapers, and magazines you can read at no cost. And since many brick-and-mortar libraries are now online, you can even borrow e-books from your local library! The research experts at Writer’s Relief have learned there are 117,341 libraries in the United States today, so odds are there’s probably one near you. If you still need more reasons to sign up for a library card (or renew your old one), here are 10 amazing things you didn’t know about libraries.
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Libraries
New York City has a magician’s library. The Library of Conjuring Arts offers an extensive collection of books about magical methods and the conjuring arts.
France has a smell library. The Osmothèque contains the history of fragrances and perfumes and has samples you can smell. Since many of these fragrances are out of production, the library preserves them for reference.
Finland has a library with a karaoke room. The Tikkurila Library has a karaoke room that has been soundproofed so that the music doesn’t disturb readers.
Some libraries offer free music downloads. Try out Freegal to download your favorite songs using your library card!
The most popular book to steal from libraries—is fitting. The book that holds the record for being the book most stolen from libraries is none other than The Guinness Book of World Records.
Libraries can be mobile. In 1857 Great Britian, the first bookmobile in the world was a horse-drawn wagon that served books from bookshelves mounted on the outside.
The oldest continually operating library in the world is in Egypt. The library of St. Catherine in Sinai has been serving the community since the 6th century!
Many libraries offer free e-books and audiobooks. Check out Libby to see if your local library participates.
A library crosses the United States and Canadian border. The Haskell Free Library and Opera House sits in Vermont in the US and in Quebec in Canada.
Libraries have been to space! The International Space Station has a library of about 100 books.
September is Library Card Sign-Up Month, so be sure to visit your local library and take advantage of all it has to offer. Along with a great selection of books, you just might find a writing group, a book club, a chess club, computer lessons, poetry and book reading events, and much more!
Question: When’s the last time you visited your local library?
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